Sunday, March 7, 2010


Humans like to build up their reputation so much, within family, within friends, within the community and also the society. Everyone does it because it is within us, only when time comes, people would put down their reputation to do things for themselves, especially during hard times, just to save their tummy, just to save their family, just to save their closest friends and etc.

Life isn’t an easy thing to walk through. Each and every morning, wearing men’s high heels to work, taking the bus down to the Light Rail Transit station, packed with people and it was definitely the worst thing ever, cram in the train. People can be pushing around, squashing around, but that is the fact of life when we would choose to take the public transport during peak hours.

But there is something more interesting in the train where people would be standing line by line, and I found out that most of the time, 80 percent of the people who take the public transport are female. Does this mean that male does not really like to take public transport just because it is cram? It is still the same on the road where it would be a massive traffic jam even on the highways.

By having a car and a house shows a power of a men, isn’t it? But this goes to women also, when women owns a car and a house, it would bring a higher standard to them, as they rather to face the massive traffic jam than taking the public transports.

I’m not saying that people who take the public transports have a low reputation, but rather they might have a reason on doing so, such as avoiding traffic jams just to sleep more, some of them might be environmentalist, just to save the environment therefore carpooling, use public transports, and of course, to save money on paying road taxes, car taxes, this and that, as it saves a lot and it could be used during financial crisis.

Although there might be different view in this but there is something nice about public transport that I like, which would be the word “observation”. We observe on what people do, and therefore, I write about it and post it here.

There was something that had been freaking me out that day in the LRT. There was a woman, who looks 100 percent like the witch from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, and even her actions are the same and she is spooking me out, as I could feel the black aura from her, maybe it is because of the cartoon, that is why kids, stop watching too much of cartoons, or maybe it was because of her black shirt. She had her tudung (a malay scarf) which was black in colour, she had big eyes, her skins are full with wrinkles, and at first, we thought it was alright because she is an aged person.

Who knows, a lady let her sit and she sat down with a smile on her face, but to me, it looks evil, and I still don’t get it until I’ve seen this. She reached her station and she stood up. A kid who was sitting beside her was playing and hit the chair she left, and she gave that expression, the spooky expression, as dark clouds could be seen around her, with her big eyes, and altogether, ( I was standing right in front of her and I saw her eyes), she was definitely the witch in the cartoon.

Hairs around my body (please… do not even use your imagination for this phrase) stood up, and it was one of the spookiest thing I’ve ever seen. As things could go interesting in the LRT, I think that I would be enjoying the coming two months of ride in the LRT until I finish my training. Therefore, stop blaming the public transports as they are bringing pros to us rather than only cons.


  1. watch too much cartoon...=='''

  2. -.-" it is true la... LOLZ... c'mon at least cartoons can give more creativity and imaginations right?? haha...

  3. sure? i thought this called the effect of mass media... xD
