Wednesday, February 17, 2010

For Eu, my dearest Bro...

P.S. play the video below while reading...

Dear Gor,

This is what happened since day you departed away from me...

The day you left, my life turned grey for a long period, just like when a rainbow loses its colour, because things are not going as well as I could handle. I thought living a life without you would be another great knowledge of life, but seems like I was wrong. I know I made a lot of mistakes on you before that made you angry, but you gave me forgiveness and let me return back to your side, so I can learn more from you and also get close to you. And I know that you have your own life now which makes you departed away from me. I know what I did was wrong and I didn’t really want your forgiveness again, because once was enough. But I really hope that things would still go on as usual, as your happiness will always stay together with mine.

Memories might not leave us apart, but the present and the future would. Memories between us will always be in my mind as I do not know about yours. Maybe I was doing things too overly again and I’m really sorry about that. I really hope you could live a better life than before when you were always by my side, and I would really hope that things would go as your way and not mine.

I know you might be saying that I might be thinking too much, but if you look back to the past, how many times had you forgive me and how many times had I made huge mistakes on you. Humans will have to leave each other some day and living until today with you had delayed your departure time. I made mistake and I am not going to delay it anymore. Hope you could understand and although I know that you will always be my real brother in my heart and I do not know about me inside yours, but I was happy that I had you.

Life goes on without a doubt, the future, the path, the route, must be established now. It might be harder for you than me to do it, and therefore, moral support will always be given by me to you. I know life are hard at times but just always remember that I will always be by your side to walk thtough this hard times with you. Although you are not my real brother, but always remember, you had already been a part of my family in my heart.

Gay might be the word for me to have you, because the happiness of me to be with you all the time. People might be calling us gays but I was actually happy to hear that because gay means happy. I didn't take it as homos because I think I know you more than anyone could be.

I was very happy that I could call you "gor" all these time. Like what I said, if we are fated to meet again, and that would be the time we will be meeting each other again. Until then… take care and will always miss you, my beloved brother. (You know who you are, because you are the only person I always call by this name. )


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