Friday, October 30, 2009


Is holding hands considered as love? Is kissing considered as love? Is having feelings towards another person considered as love? Or is it that taking care of a person is being considered as love?

Confusion is happening within me, loving somebody but did not told her that I want to be with her. Is it that I am being selfish for keeping everything to myself? Is it that I do not have the guts to actually tell her? Or is it caused by other factors?

I did not know. But every time when it this word is spooking around me, confusion within me happens. Wanted to tell her, wanted to hold her close to me, wanted to do things together with her, but thoughts has always been popping up into my mind. Questions here, questions there.

I wish that i could do things for you, sing for you, walk with you, sending you to everywhere you want to go... to be with you all the time, all the moments.

But nevertheless, one thing that I am aware of is that I have feelings towards her but did not know on whether she has the same towards me. Maybe through this kind of mentality, it stops me from doing so. But what other things that I can do? We are separated apart by a highway, although technology can make us closer, but human relationship, the touch, the voice could only be heard through a “third party”.

But no matter what happens, your love will always be in my air, around me, as long as your name is carved deeply within me and I'm officially missing you.

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